List established by Jean de Jaurgain
The fortune of the first count of Troisvilles drew a certain number of Basque ad Béarnese gentlemen to the musketeers. You will find below the list of those whose names we were able to find:
• Jacques de Terride, Seigneur of Labenne and Floris, became a musketeer in 1624. He was wounded in the left shoulder from musket fire at the assault on Pas-de-Suze and remained a cripple.
• Fortis d'Auga, Cyrus de Camps and Isaac de Baas became musketeers in 1633. The latter was, as we have seen, sub-lieutenant of the company from January 1657 to May 1658.
• Charles de Larralde, became a musketeer around 1635; he was then captain of the regiment of Le Havre and served for more than 30 years.
• Jean de Lagarrigue, from Thèze, the company’s sergeant and camp master of the Lanquedoc regiment, was admitted into the musketeers around 1635.
• François d'Espalungue, musketeer, was named captain of the Bellebrune regiment in 1636, then gentleman in the service of the king.
• David de Marmont, may 1640.
• Pierre de Saint-Jean, may 1640.
• Jean de Lanne, may 1640.
• Pierre de Forbet, 1659-1661.
• Jean‑Arnaud de Terride, Seigneur of Floris, alias Viscount Terride-Floris, born in 1639, was 18 years old when he joined Cardinal Mazarin’s company, which became the 2nd company of musketeers in 1660. He was then captain of the regiment of Turenne, then colonel of a regiment.
• M. de Caumia-Baillenx, alias d’Andrein, musketeer, was named lieutenant of the Royal Regiment in 1663.
• Arnaud de La Salle, Seigneur of Izeste and of Gurmençon , 1671.
• Jean de Casedepats, abbey of Bilhères, 1663-1671.
• Etienne de Terride, alias of Monlong, ensign to the colonel of the Schomberg regiment in 1667, served afterward in the 2nd company of the musketeers and was part of the detachment sent to Heraklion [in Crete]. He died there of a head wound the 28th June 1669.
• Henri d'Abbadie, abbey of Bastanès, musketeer of the 1st company, was named lieutenant of a company of light-horses in 1673.
• Jacques de Casamajor, Seigneur of Gestas, musketeer of the 2nd company, obtained the commission of captain in the Béarnaise Bands in 1673.
• Jean-François d'Esquille-La Garde, around 1675.
• Daniel de Martin, Seigneur of Domec de Lucq and of Belluix de Morlanne, musketeer in March 1676.
• Bertrand d'Arnaudat, Seigneur of Cassagne, in 1678.
• Abraham-Joseph de Casenave, musketeer of the king the 16th September 1670, was aide-major of the 1st company from 1670 to 1687.
• Jean de Terride, alias chevalier of Artigolles, born around 1665, served in the 1st company for a long time. His son, Pierre de Terride, Seigneur of Hillaut, was also admitted into the same company, where he died.
• Arnaud de Claverie de Lahourcade, musketeer from 1685 to 1693, was, from 1709 to 1718, Chevalier of Saint-Louis and lieutenant-colonel of the Médoc Regiment.
• Jean de Baradat, corporal, 1694-1703.
• Armand de Caumia-Baillenx, Seigneur of Baillenx and of Andrein, entered into the 1st company in 1697 and was named captain of the Montlévrier regiment three years later.
• Henri-Bernard, Count, then Marquis, of Lons, black musketeer, named captain of dragoons of the Avaray Regiment the 5th February 1701, then king’s lieutenant in Navarre et Béarn in 1717.
• Pierre de Camou-Lagarde, Seigneur of Parenties, former page of the lesser stables, was an officer of the musketeers in 1700.
• Jacques de Terride, Seigneur of Barrique and of Escurès, musketeer from 1710 to 1725, died in 1754.
• Guillaume de Larroque, cavalry camp master, former ensign of the 1st company of the musketeers, 1730.
• Barthélemy de Canton, former musketeer, 1722.
During the period 1716-1720, the 1st company, commanded by Joseph de Montesquiou, the Count d’Artagnan, included in its ranks:
• Armand-Jean de Mont-Réal, alias de Moneins, Count of Troisvilles, Marquis of Moneins, Viscount of Tardets, Baron of Montory, Seigneur of Domezain, Barcus, etc., Grand Senechal of Navarre, captain-chaplain of Mauléon and governor of the territory of Soule, first ensign, then deputy-lieutenant of the company, resigned the 8th December 1727.
• Charles de Saint-Martin, Seigneur of Saint-Martin de Larressorre, former page in the lesser livery, chief sergeant. We find him already qualified as an officer in the king’s musketeers on the 16th December 1701. Wounded during the siege of Mons, he became, thereafter, Chevalier of Saint-Louis and camp master of a cavalry regiment.
• Pierre de Saint-Martin, Seigneur of Saint-Martin and of Janitz, private.
• Jacques de Casamajor de Jasses, later Marquis of Jasses, commissioned as a counselor of the Parliament of Navarre the 21st August 1721 and named presiding chairman thereof the 19th July 1731.
• Alexis, chevalier of Haraneder.
• Jean de Larralde, Baron of Harriette; he had first been a member of the 2nd company.
• Jean-Baptiste de La Lande-Favas, then Chevalier of Saint-Louis and lieutenant-colonel of the regiment of Chambo.
• Gilbert de Mont-Réal-Moneins d'Armendarits, Seigneur of La Salle de Saint-Palais, then Chevalier of Saint-Louis and captain of grenadiers of the regiment of La Sarre.
• M. d'Armendarits d'Arberats. Paul d'Armendarits d'Arberats, or his brother Jean, Chevalier of Saint-Louis. Both died in the same year during the German campaign.
• M. de Vic.
• M. de Navailles.
• M. de Casenave, in 1729.
• M. de Gassion, in 1729.
• Jean-Henri-Josué de Baas de Sivord, former musketeer of the king in 1734, son of Jean-Josué de Sivord, alias Baas, also a musketeer of the king and cavalry captain.
• Jean-Louis d'Olhassarry, Seigneur of Olhassarry d’Aroue, was admitted into the 1st company the 10th September 1735 and left it in August 1741. He was Chevalier of Saint-Louis, counselor to the king, war commissary and general inspector of the hospitals of Alsace, des Evêchés and Lorraine.
• Claude-Théophile de Boeil, Baron of Boeil and of Coarraze, musketeer in the 2nd company from 1737 to 1741, then successively captain of cavalry of the Sabran regiment, Chevalier of Saint Louis, colonel of the regiment of Royal-Cantabre and colonel of the Languedoc regiment in 1762.
• Bernard de Terride-Barinque, Seigneur of Escurcès, musketeer of the king in 1738.
• Pierre de Caro, musketeer in 1742.
• M. de Laistre de Champgueffier, musketeer in 1742, son of Jacques de Laistre, Seigneur of Champgueffier, Chevalier of Saint Louis, major of the citadel of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, and of Jeanne de Saint-Esteben.
• Pierre-Paul d'Espalungue, musketeer of the 1st company in 1742, was named Chevalier of Saint Louis and captain of cavalry.
• M. d’Olhabarrats.
• Nicolas d'Abbadie, of Nay, former musketeer in 1747.
• Jean Domenger, Seigneur of Hayet, former musketeer, was given the commission of secretary-counselor to the king in 1750.
• Armand-Jean d'Uhart, Baron of Arbouet, musketeer in 1750, then major of the regiment of Royal-Cantabre and Chevalier of Saint Louis.
• Jean-Vincent de Casamajor, Marquis of Charritte, former musketeer of the king’s guard and standard-bearer of the general column of dragoons in 1753.
• Philippe-Mathieu-Marie, Count, then Marquis, of Lons, entered the 1st company of musketeers in 1753 at the age of 15. He was named captain of dragoons in 1755 and died in 1819, general-lieutenant of the king’s armies and commander of the Order of Saint Louis.
• Henri-Auguste d'Espalungue, Baron of Arros, captain of the regiment of the Béarnaise Bands from 1747 entered the 1st company of musketeers in 1754 and was then aide de camp to the Duke of Tresme and the Duke of Castries and captain of the regiment of Chartres.
• Jean-Dominique de La Salle de Harader, musketeer in the 2nd company, 1756-1759.
• Joseph-Balthasar Dalier, former musketeer, husband of Anne de Noguès, in 1756.
• Jean-Louis de Fouron, Seigneur of Artiguelouve, born in 1734, served in the 1st company around 1754; he was then counselor of the Parliament of Navarre in 1756 and governor of Lescar.
• Paul de Camou-Dadou, Seigneur of Blachon, musketeer in 1760. He died in Pau the 11th October 1781 and was captain of the regiment of Royal-Cantabre.
• Joseph de Casamajor, Baron, then Marquis, of Oneix, in Béarn, was admitted into the 2nd company in 1766 and was later captain of a regiment and then colonel-general of the cavalry.
• Martin-Louis de Périer, Baron of Ussau, governor of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, musketeer in 1769.
• Antoine-Hubert d'Espalungue, Seigneur of Louvie, abbey of Béost, musketeer in the 1st company in 1770.
• Gabriel-Xavier-Bernard d'Abbadie de Barrau, secular abbey of Basantès, Seigneur of Laà de Maslacq and of Capdevielle de Bugnein, served in the musketeers from the 12th June 1774 to 12th June 1775. He was lieutenant-colonel of the infantry of the Hundred Swiss and of the King’s Guard in 1780.
• Jean d'Agest, former musketeer in 1778.
• Jean-Germain d'Abidos, former musketeer of the king in 1786.
• Jean-Salvat d'Esquille, former musketeer of the king, Chevalier of Saint Louis, died in Pau the 10th October 1787 at the age of 55.